What Is Computerized Desk Audit

This new utility envisages analysis of electronic data pertaining to e returns audit reports in form e 704 and annexures thereof uploaded by all the tax payers.
What is computerized desk audit. A computer audit generally means an audit of a company s computer networks and related technology and software as well as the procedures in place with regard to the use of it resources. Prepare for the audit. Companies increasingly need technology to work requiring complex software and computerized equipment to develop their activity in an optimized and efficient manner. The data and information generated in companies today are endless.
If your position is desk audited you should emphasize the major areas of your work and how your position fits into your unit s and agency s operations. Provide a personal way to connect with employees and demonstrate understanding of the employee s work. Most of the audit parameters are generated from the analysis of sales and purchase annexures. Computerized desk audit background.
The tool merges or reviews the data by the programmers or the accountants and the analysts and extract the data in the summarize form. The analysis is resulting in identification of various issues in which additional taxes are found to be payable by dealers. A list of such dealers covered under cda is made available on mahavat. The computerized desk audit cda.
Benefits of a desk audit. An audit is an examination and evaluation often in regard to financial records or accounts which are checked for accuracy. Now the department has developed a system called as the computerized desk audit i e. Computer auditing is the tool that facilitates the business in regard to data processing while putting a special concern to some targeted operations.
Maharashtra sales tax department mstd has been selecting cases for issue based audits iba based on various audit parameters for the periods from 2008 09 onward. Limited scope examination of documents and records away from the place of action. The information that is processed and processed within a company is incalculable. These computer auditing tools save the.
As mstd started taking electronic annexure of sales and purchases from all dealers for the periods. The extent of your questions will differ based on how well the pd is written and the. Get examples of work performed. Computerized desk audit cda is an utility developed by department to analyse the electronic information uploaded by dealers through various e services.
Desk audits will occur between the employee the classification specialist and the responsible division department manager.