What Eats Marbled Parrotfish

Also known as the blue marbled parrotfish.
What eats marbled parrotfish. Parrot fish are eaten by sharks. All stoplight parrotfish are born as females. Found in schools over hard bottoms and seagrass beds of sheltered bays harbours and lagoons rich. These fish are named for their bird like beaks which are used to feed on coral polyps and algae.
These completely unrelated species often benefit each other with the parrotfish scratching the surface sending fine algal strands into the water column which the surgeonfish swoop on and the. In most species the initial phase is dull red brown or grey while the terminal phase is vividly green or blue with bright pink orange or yellow patches. They come in a wide variety of shapes sizes and colors. Find out how they change genders to promote a harem lifestyle.
Found singly or in small schools foraging for food over coral rubble seagrass and weedy areas along shorelines of reef flats lagoons and seaward. The marbled parrotfish leptoscarus vaigiensis also known as the seagrass parrotfish is a species of marine ray finned fish a parrotfish from the family scaridae and it is the only known member of the genus leptoscarus it has a wide indo pacific distribution and is also found in the south eastern atlantic ocean. Parrotfish s predators are snappers jacks moray eels and other carnivorous fishes. Meet the incredible parrotfish whose coral crunching bite can be heard on tropical reefs worldwide.
Parrotfish form large mixed schools with up to 10 different species of parrotfish and often other families of fish such as surgeonfish and wrasses. Parrotfish are a group of colorful tropical fishes native to shallow seas. Also known as bucktooth bucktooth parrotfish caroline s parrotfish carolinus parrotfish christmas parrotfish marbled parrotfish spinytooth parrotfish stareye parrot starry eye parrotfish. The marbled parrotfish leptoscarus vaigiensis is the only species of parrotfish known not to change sex.
It is a coastal species found in beds of sea grass and seaweed. Marbled parrotfish leptoscarus vaigiensis. Despite its wide indo pacific range this species is considered relatively rare. The marbled parrotfish may also be referred to as the slender parrotfish the petroleum parrotfish or the seagrass parrotfish.
In south africa its range extends into the southeast atlantic at false bay in the western cape.