What Are Some Hardwoods

In addition to the basics where they grow general description and abundance each hardwood profile includes working.
What are some hardwoods. Deciduous perennial plants which are normally leafless for some time during the year. Hardwood from deciduous species such as oak normally shows annual growth rings but these may be absent in some tropical hardwoods. This happens to be generally true but there are exceptions such as in the cases of wood from yew trees a softwood that is relatively hard and wood from balsa trees a. This guide features 20 of the most abundant and most often used hardwood species.
Hardwoods angiosperms abachi triplochiton scleroxylon acacia acacia sp robinia pseudoacacia african padauk pterocarpus soyauxii afzelia doussi afzelia africana agba tola gossweilerodendron balsamiferum alder alnus black alder alnus glutinosa red alder alnus rubra ash fraxinus black ash fraxinus nigra blue ash fraxinus. Hardwoods have a more complex structure than softwoods and are often much slower growing as a result. The dominant feature separating hardwoods from softwoods is the presence of pores or vessels. Wood hardness varies among the hardwood species and some are actually softer than some softwoods.